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  • LavondaS50


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Über mich

  • George named names, though the Pacers seemed
    to take no offense."In situations like that, our guys are free to speak and talk about situations like that," coach Nate McMillan said.

    "You challenge your guys, your teammates. We believe in each other, we trust in each other and it was not a situation like there were hurt feelings in the locker room."In fact,
    George, Miles, Stephenson and Turner were smiling and laughing
    throughout Wednesday's practice.Turner acknowledged he must get more physical in this
    series, and Stephenson said he needs to find the balance between passion and playing out of control."When someone is scoring on you and you show frustration, they're going to keep going at you and I think that's what Paul was talking about," Stephenson said
    after calling George his brother.George is averaging 30.5 points,
    7.0 assists and 6.5 rebounds in the first two
    games, similar to the numbers he had during a five game winning streak that got the Pacers into
    the playoffs.

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